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Archives: 2022

Celebrating Pride Month

LGBTQ Pride Month is celebrated every year in June. This tradition began in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan, a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the U.S. It was originally celebrated as Gay Pride Day on the last Sunday in June. However, the day grew to encompass a month-long series of events in major cities across the country. Pride celebrations,...

6 Things You Shouldn’t Store in Your Garage

A garage helps protect your vehicles from exposure to the elements. It can also be a convenient location for storing items you don’t want to keep in the house. Keeping some items in the garage can create a health and safety risk for you and your family. Never store these six things in your garage: Propane Tanks If you barbecue outdoors, you may keep propane...

3 Things to Consider When Purchasing Buy/Sell Protection Insurance

You have likely spent years of your life building your business. It would be best to protect your business with several types of insurance, but many business owners choose to put a buy/sell plan to protect against the unexpected. These plans are a binding agreement between business owners that lays out what will occur if an owner or partner should suddenly pass away. Without a...

Common Types of Surety Bonds & How They Work

A surety bond is a contract that ensures specific obligations are met. These bonds are often required for contractors working on government contracts. They are performance-based. A surety bond is a guarantee between three parties. The parties in a surety bond are: The Principal: The individual who is required to have a surety bond. The Obligee: The individual requesting the bond. The Surety Company: The...

Understanding What Your Home Insurance Policy Covers

Understanding your home insurance policy and what it covers is essential but easier said than done. Insurance contracts are written in a legal language unfamiliar to most of us. To understand your coverage, you may want to get help from a local insurance agent. You need to know what is covered – hopefully long before you need to file a claim. You likely have homeowners'...

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